Tekkru Media Blog

First Nations Youth Perspective

cold cold cold

cold cold cold

Originally uploaded by carmelita.abraham

Well the days hear in the REZ are sure cold. Times have changed and people are different. I am sure that our old friends miss the times when we got together and partied like the city. I am happy that life is changed now, I feel good about the future and how it can become a place to live out our many dreams and wishes from our past.
I speak with respect when I say I am grateful that I am still here on this planet making the best of what I have been given.

Yours truly,

Carmelita Abraham

December 21, 2008 Posted by | TEKKRU Team Talk | Leave a comment

Strengthening Connections

2008_1129Conference_Pics_Day20074 2008_1128Conference_Pics0073 Engaging Aboriginal Students Through Imagination Workshop

Strengthening connections was the theme of the 14th Annual FNESC Provincial Conference. So, what does strengthening connections mean? Does it mean upgrading your wireless router for a better connection? Adding some extra duct tape to your shoe so the sole will stay on? Or does strengthening connections mean engaging students more in their learning by including more cultural content and by doing so strengthening their connection to their education? Or does it mean strengthening the connection teachers have with their student by improving the structure of their classroom and their teaching style? I think the last two make much more sense and that is what I got out of two of the workshops I attended.

The Engaging Aboriginal Students Through Imagination workshop discussed many of the ways teachers can better engage aboriginal students, though their imaginations and emotions. Dr. Lee Brown said earlier in the day that “You can feel without thinking, but you can not think with out feeling.” He also shared with us that how well a student does in school is directly related to how well he or she is developing emotionally. Speaking specifically of aboriginal students, Dr. Brown said that if teachers bring in more aboriginal content and aboriginal values into the classroom, these students will be engaged emotionally and therefore become more likely to succeed. The presenters at the workshop expanded on this subject by giving suggestions for lesson plans, sharing personal experiences and by explaining how including more cultural content in the classroom can give aboriginal students a better sense of identity, and a better sense of belonging. This was also one of Dr. Brown’s beliefs as he said “Emotions become values, and values become identity.” Students and teachers both have to work on being emotionally connected to learning to be successful.

In the Putting the Pieces Together work shop, presenter Stacy Bernard spoke on building a curriculum of caring. Her emphasis was that teachers need to love their students, and build a relationship with them so that the teacher can become an attachment figure for the child. She added that it does not mean a teacher has to love the student in an adoring way but to care about their feelings and their education. Stacy stated that teachers need to build a “climate of support” in their classrooms, and create structure so that everyone knows what is expected, or in her words, “You know that I know that you know that I know.” She said that teachers need to learn their responsibilities as educators, so that students can feel safe at school and be guided through the most important years of their life. She closed by saying that we need to have emotional and morale educators in order to create a safe atmosphere to express emotion for students. Stacy told teachers to “give the students their hearts, because they are giving you theirs.”

This conference has truly shown that it takes a community to raise a child. It is not in the hands of one single person. It’s through the efforts of students, teachers and cultural leaders that success rates of aboriginal students can continue to rise so that we may look forward to a brighter tomorrow.

December 19, 2008 Posted by | FNESC 14th Annual Provincial Conference, Media Events | Leave a comment

Police Service.

Police Service.

Originally uploaded by carmelita.abraham

I had the oppertuniy to See the Police Escort My grandmother to her ride on December 12th 2008. I am proud to post this picture for this is the service Our Community gets from the Takla Lake RCMP. I am happy to see my Grandmother Esther Abraham Smile Like she is in this Picture. Way to go guys!

Yours respectfully,

Carmelita Abraham
Miss Takla Blogger of the North.

December 14, 2008 Posted by | TEKKRU Team Talk | Leave a comment

Find Peace

Find Peace

Originally uploaded by carmelita.abraham

Finding Peace for me is like finding a place called home.

Nature is mighty
Nature is strong
Nature is usually always right
Nature is rarely ever wrong
Nature is beauty
Nature is moody
Nature is smart
Nature always has the greater part
Nature is blue
Nature is green
Nature is every color possibly seen
Nature is true
Nature is beaming
Nature is dreaming
Nature is in every place
Nature is always with grace
Nature is true
Nature is you
Nature is me
Nature will forever be free.

Find Freedom in the place you live weather it be in the outdoors or indoors.
Path Of Peace

Path Of Peace
By Paul Mc Cann

Peace is an easy path to tread
Peace is where our fears are mislaid
Peace is beginning to restore
Peace for each man, woman and child
Peace for the troubled streets gone wild
Peace is for the old and the young
Peace in the end will overcome
Peace builds trust into a lifestyle
Peace is a friendly open hand
Peace is a place to understand
Peace in the end will overcome
Peace is for the old and the young
Peace is a legacy to leave
Peace is when we don’t have to grieve
Peace is and ends to all the hate
Peace is why we negotiate
Peace for all the victims of war

Find Peace where ever you are no matter who you are and where you came from.

Yours Always Truly,
Miss Takla, Blogger of the North.

Carmelita Abraham

December 13, 2008 Posted by | TEKKRU Team Talk | Leave a comment

Encourage Youth to be who they want to be.

this is Dec 13 toothousand and eight 015

Originally uploaded by carmelita.abraham

“You can bend it and twist it… You can misuse and abuse it… But even God cannot change the Truth.”

Life is a changing wind and only you can choose what you want to be. try and consider what you need first and then make a decision if what you want to be can happen or not. Live your life believing that anything can happen as long as you put your mind to it. I am the living truth to let the world know that, precious faces like the ones you see hear are going to be anything in the world with no boundaries to stop them. Only if they know this and then they will know how many possibilities are out there to help them become who they want to be.

I had the opportunity to spend some time with the Takla girls hear in the picture and they have been proofing to me that they too have the passion to Rap. I am happy that they see meaning to my rap. I said I would rap as long as they let me have a picture with them. They agreed and hear they are famous and perfectly portrayed.

Yours Truly,

Carmelita Abraham
Age: 19
From: Takla Lake First Nations, BC.( Miss Takla, Blogger of the North and Miss BabyG queen-MC better then you’v seen)

“All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.”

December 13, 2008 Posted by | Carmelita Abraham - From the Heart, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Helping your child deal with death.

Helping your child deal with death.

Originally uploaded by carmelita.abraham

During the past couple days hear in Takla Lake First Nations there has been a lot going on! Last night on December 12 there was a last supper for a man who had passed on in to the spirit world forever, about a week ago. The Dinner had been for a few hours and there were people from around BC  there in attendance.

When a loved one dies, it can be difficult to know how to help kids cope with the loss, particularly as you work through your own grief.

How much kids can understand about death depends largely on their age, life experiences, and personality. But there are a few important points to remember in all cases.

Explaining Death in a Child’s Terms
Be honest with kids and encourage questions. This can be hard because you may not have all of the answers. But it’s important to create an atmosphere of comfort and openness, and send the message that there’s no one right or wrong way to feel. You might also share any spiritual beliefs you have about death.
A child’s capacity to understand death — and your approach to discussing it — will vary according to the child’s age. Each child is unique, but here are some rough guidelines to keep in mind.
Until kids are about 5 or 6 years old, their view of the world is very literal. So explain the death in basic and concrete terms. If the loved one was ill or elderly, for example, you might explain that the person’s body wasn’t working anymore and the doctors couldn’t fix it. If someone dies suddenly, like in an accident, you might explain what happened — that because of this very sad event, the person’s body stopped working. You may have to explain that “dying” or “dead” means that the body stopped working.

Avoid using euphemisms, such as telling kids that the loved one “went away” or “went to sleep” or even that your family “lost” the person. Because young kids think so literally, such phrases might inadvertently make them afraid to go to sleep or fearful whenever someone goes away.
Also remember that kids’ questions may sound much deeper than they actually are. For example, a 5-year-old who asks where someone who died is now probably isn’t asking whether there’s an afterlife. Rather, kids might be satisfied hearing that someone who died is now in the cemetery. This may also be a time to share your beliefs about an afterlife or heaven if that is part of your belief system.
Kids from the ages of about 6 to 10 start to grasp the finality of death, even if they don’t understand that it will happen to every living thing one day. A 9-year-old might think, for example, that by behaving or making a wish, grandma won’t die. Often, kids this age personify death and think of it as the “boogeyman” or a ghost or a skeleton. They deal best with death when given accurate, simple, clear, and honest explanations about what happened.
As kids mature into teens, they start to understand that every human being eventually dies, regardless of grades, behavior, wishes, or anything they try to do.
As your teen’s understanding about death evolves, questions may naturally come up about mortality and vulnerability. For example, if your 16-year-old’s friend dies in a car accident, your teen might be reluctant to get behind the wheel or even ride in a car for awhile. The best way to respond is to empathize about how frightening and sad this accident was. It’s also a good time to remind your teen about ways to stay safe and healthy, like never getting in a car with a driver who has been drinking and always wearing a seatbelt.
Teens also tend to search more for meaning in the death of someone close to them. A teen who asks why someone had to die probably isn’t looking for literal answers, but starting to explore the idea of the meaning of life. Teens also tend to experience some guilt, particularly if one of their peers died. Whatever your teen is experiencing, the best thing you can do is to encourage the expression and sharing of grief.
And if you need help, many resources — from books to counselors to community organizations — can provide guidance. Your efforts will go a long way in helping your child get through this difficult time — and through the inevitable losses and tough times that come later in life.
Mourning the Loss
Is it right to take kids to funerals? It’s up to you and your child. It’s appropriate to let kids take part in any mourning ritual — if they want to. First explain what happens at a funeral or memorial and give kids the choice of whether to go.
What do you tell a young child about the funeral? You may want to explain that the body of the person who died is going to be in a casket, and that the person won’t be able to talk or see or hear anything. Explain that others may speak about the person who died and that some mourners may be crying.
Share any spiritual beliefs you have about death and explain the meaning of the mourning rituals that you and your family will observe.
If you think your own grief might prevent you from helping your child at this difficult time, ask a friend or family member to care for and focus on your child during the service. Choose someone you both like and trust who won’t mind leaving the funeral if your child wants to go.
Many parents worry about letting their kids witness their own grief, pain, and tears about a death. Don’t — allowing your child to see your pain shows that crying is a natural reaction to emotional pain and loss. And it can make kids more comfortable sharing their feelings. But it’s also important to convey that no matter how sad you may feel, you’ll still be able to care for your family and make your child feel safe.
Getting More Help
As kids learn how to deal with death, they need space, understanding, and patience to grieve in their own way.
They might not show grief as an adult would. A young child might not cry or might react to the news by acting out or becoming hyperactive. A teen might act annoyed and might feel more comfortable confiding in peers. Whatever their reaction, don’t take it personally. Remember that learning how to deal with grief is like coping with other physical, mental, and emotional tasks — it’s a process.
Nevertheless, watch for any signs that kids need help coping with a loss. If a child’s behavior changes radically — for example, a gregarious and easygoing child becomes angry, withdrawn, or extremely anxious; or goes from having straight A’s to D’s in school, it may be time to seek help for your child. A
A doctor, school guidance counselor, or mental health organization can provide assistance and recommendations. Also look for books, websites, support groups, and other resources that help people manage grief.
Parents can’t always shield kids from sadness and losses. But helping them learn to cope with them builds emotional resources they can rely on throughout life.
Reviewed by: Dale Perkel, LCSW
Date reviewed: February 2006
Originally reviewed by: Steven J. Bachrach, MD

Thank you for your time and consideration. I know your time is very important. I am happy to have made this an oppertunity for everyone to learn.

Yours rspectfully Miss Takla Boglger and MC. of the North.

December 13, 2008 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Reading To Children

December 8th reading to children
Originally uploaded by carmelita.abraham


What is so good about reading to children? Everything!

Reading to your child is the single most valuable thing you can do. Why? 
Reading allows one to  experience different types of language, rhythms and sounds.
research shows that pre-school children who are exposed to plenty of language (books and conversation) tend to do better at school .

Also, the reader gets to learn about topics which wouldn’t maybe come up in their regular conversation.  Learning together is a wonderful way to bond with your child, not to mention it is very calming!

WARNING: READING must be FUN, not always WORK!
Reading, and education in general, are serious matters, but they are only meant to be serious for teachers and parents. If something isn’t fun, children won’t want to do it. Children have  BRILLIANT ways of avoiding what they don’t want to do: such as pretending they can’t or making you feel guilty.

If your child doesn’t enjoy it, he won’t try. If he finds it hard, he will think he is not good at it. Your job is to make it FUN and EASY.

Do babies benefit from reading?

Yes, babies benefit hugely. The effort of focusing on pictures develops eye muscles.   Each time a baby hears a particular word, it imprints more strongly in the brain.  Think: how do our brains learn? They learn by doing. Each time your baby sees, hears, or feels anything, brain connections form. Eventually, the connections are strong enough to create a skill or a piece of knowledge.
I’m Not Good at Reading Aloud

You really don’t have to be good at it. Read very slowly – that’s better for your child anyway as he’ll be able to hear the words more clearly.

If you feel your reading still isn’t good enough, we have two suggestions:
practise reading a story on your own before reading it to your child
this is a good time to ask for help. There are organisations which help adults with their reading. Ask your GP, Citizen’s Advice Bureau or Local Education Authority. It will be worth it to be able to help your child.
How to Read

First, be comfortable, cosy and relaxed – both of you. On the other hand, hearing a story can be very calming for a child who is in ‘one of those moods’.

Next, make sure your child can see the book the right way up as you read.

For babies and toddlers up to 2 years
point at pictures and say or ask names of things (depending on age)
use a slow sing-song voice
use different voices for different characters – be entertaining
spend time talking about the pictures before turning the page
say a name and ask your older baby or toddler to point to the item
give huge praise each time your child points at and names an object

For 2-4 year-olds
give your child time to look at the pictures before you read
ask, ‘Where’s the…?’ ‘What’s that called?’ ‘What’s she doing?’
always follow text with your finger as you read
with familiar stories, see if your child can join in or finish phrases
ask questions like: ‘Why did he do that?’ ‘What happens next?’
discuss things you both liked/didn’t like and why

For 4 year-olds and over (and possibly some 3 year-olds)
as for 2-4 year olds
ask your child if he can remember the order of events in the story
try paired reading (sometimes called shared reading)

Special Activity
If you think your child may be ready for a real reading activity, try this: choose a word which appears several times (such as a name) show it to your child and tell him what it says: can your child find the same word again?

This is a first ‘Look and Say’ or ‘Whole word’ activity. For information about Look and Say and the other methods of teaching reading, click here.

Let your child see that reading is part of your life. Do you have books and newspapers in the house?

Choosing Books – For Babies, Toddlers and Nursery Children
For babies
Very young babies cannot focus well. You need books with large, simple pictures. Bold red, green, blue and black are usually best.

When you read to a baby you might be doing one of two things. You could be pointing at the pictures and saying the names, which helps your baby focus on specific sounds. However, this can become just a little monotonous especially when your baby is more interested in eating the book.

Or you could just read, so that the baby can enjoy the sound of your voice and hear the rhythms of different types of language, even though he won’t have a clue what you are talking about.

Ideally, then, you need three sorts of books for a baby:
bright, bold picture books to help focusing and identification
books with poems, songs, or stories of any sort which YOU like reading
books that you can safely leave in the cot, so that your baby develops a ‘taste’ for books. (Check safety labels carefully.)

For toddlers and older pre-school children

For children who understand most of what they hear, you need different books. Let your child choose, though some ‘guidance’ is often necessary.

You need these sorts of books:
a variety of different types of language to read to your child (including poetry, traditional stories and mystery as well as everyday stories)
a range of easier books with very few words, so that your child can begin to ‘read’ independently, by remembering a story which he has heard often
books which your child really likes for whatever reason

Don’t forget: the written word is all around us. We don’t only read books – we read shop names, road signs, shopping lists, advertisements, birthday cards…. All are a chance to show your child how reading works. There is even a bit of jargon to describe this writing: ENVIRONMENTAL PRINT.

© 2000 Nicola Morgan. Email:nmorgan@childliteracy.com

This picture was taken on December 8th/2008

I am happy to share this information, reading and learning are important for all of us to think about all the time.

Please consider the information and apply it to your life. I am the Aunty of the boy in this picture and his name is Dominic Abraham. The Man reading to Dominic is my uncle Richard Abraham. Richard is the Band counsel for the Takla Lake First Nations and also a Drug and Alcohol councilor, and has been for many years. Richard has been sober for 22 years and counting. I am supporting his efforts and continued success in every thing he does. Way to go keep it up!

Yours truly,

Carmelita Abraham

December 11, 2008 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment



Originally uploaded by carmelita.abraham

Andrew Mark Dexel


This artist is one to be remembered!  I felt so happy to see such a young artist.  I am pulled in by the colors and strong feeling of  First Nations history. It’s so good to see youth working in a cultural medium as a career choice.
I have a business too and I know that any sale is a good one!  I am proud of my business and I’m thrilled to see other young, First Nations entrepenuers getting their stuff out there!  Good work!

Yours truly,

Carmelita Abraham

Miss Takla (Blogger of the North.)

December 7, 2008 Posted by | FNESC 14th Annual Provincial Conference | 1 Comment

Spirit Dancer

Spirit Dancer
Originally uploaded by carmelita.abraham


Spirit Dancer
What a great name! I like the whole vibe in this picture and I have a soft spot for the child who is so smart.   The children who attended the 14th Annual FNESC Provincial Conference made the whole event worth attending.  It’s beautiful to see the future in the eyes of the children we are working to better education for. The children are important and should be recognized for working and attending at an event such as this one.

So I am happy to present to you:

Spirit Dancer

• Hand Engraved
• Silver plated & diamond cut on copper
• * No Polishing
• Surgical steel

Calvin Harry

(604) 598-3032
(778) 386-6071

December 7, 2008 Posted by | FNESC 14th Annual Provincial Conference | Leave a comment

Wade Webster fom Lytton BC

Wade Webster fom Lytton BC
Originally uploaded by carmelita.abraham


Wade Webster is from Lytton BC.  He is 9 years old and stood out from the rest at the 14th Annual FNESC Provincial Conference in Vancouver, November 27th to the 29th of 2008.

It’s wonderful to see the very young youth of today getting involved in such complex kinds of conferences!   Far beyond there years in wisdom with no problem fitting in.  The spirit of this picture captures the adorable nature of young Wade. Our youth are interested in the process of learning at conferences provided by organizations like FNESC and it’s great to see it in action.
I feel happy when I see this picture. I love to see kids attend conferences with the drive to learn about what’s going on.  I believe this is what our future needs, people to recognize this type of thing and be driven to go out and make a difference some how.

Yours truly,

Miss Takla (Blogger of the North)

December 6, 2008 Posted by | FNESC 14th Annual Provincial Conference | 4 Comments